Relying on short video ads alone won’t get you many conversions.

For your dropshipping video ads to convert, they need to grab and hold customer attention. Basically, you need engaging video ads that people watch over a long time.

Here’s why engaging content helps:

  • They help you capture the declining customer attention spans.
  • Engaging content resonates with viewers on an emotional level.
  • Increases brand awareness and builds trust.

In fact, engaging content generates 2x more conversions than dull content.

engaging dropshipping video ads can generate 2x more conversions

Simply put:

Short + Engaging Content = More Sales.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create engaging dropshipping video ads that hold people’s attention better and help increase sales.

How To Create Engaging Dropshipping Video Ads

Understand Your Audience

Imagine you’re selling dog accessories. 

You put together an engaging video ad that shows how your product solves common dog-related problems and highlights its benefits.

But there’s one major issue.

Your video reaches people who don’t have dogs. Now, no matter how engaging your video is, if it’s shown to this target audience, they simply won’t watch it.

To avoid this scenario, you need to understand the product you are selling. Then, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Why would someone want to buy this product?
  • What problem does this product solve?
  • What benefits does it provide for the customer?
  • Which social media apps will the customer spend time on most?
You can use tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to research your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviours. 

Getting your audience right will do half the job for you.

Planning A Script

A strong script is a blueprint for successful video ads.

You might wonder why a script is needed for a short video ad, but its value becomes evident once you start filming.

A script guides you from start to finish and makes sure you hit all your key points. It helps you stay organised, prevents you from going off-topic, and ensures that your message is delivered effectively. 

This focus not only improves the quality of your ad but also makes the editing process much more sharper.

Make sure your script includes the following:

  • A compelling hook.
  • How it benefits the customer.
  • Finishes with a strong Call to Action (CTA).

A well-planned script not only ensures every second of your video is purposeful but also drives viewers toward taking meaningful action.

Importance Of Hooks

Hooks are the first thing people see in your videos, and first impressions last.

45% of viewers who watch the first 3 seconds stay for at least 30 seconds. Powerful hooks grab attention and make your message unforgettable.

The key to a great hook is addressing the problem as quickly as possible. Capture your audience’s attention right from the start by clearly showing how your product or service solves their problem.

For example, let's say you’re selling a dog harness designed to prevent pulling on walks. 

Start your video with a scene of a frustrated dog owner struggling with their dog pulling on the leash, making the walk stressful. 

Then, introduce your harness as the solution that makes walks enjoyable and stress-free. 

This approach grabs attention and keeps viewers engaged.

Also, avoid using clickbait hooks that mislead viewers. Instead, focus on delivering genuine value from the start. 

Benefits, Not Features

You’ve grabbed the audience’s attention. Now, it's time to hold it throughout the video.

To do this, focus on benefits rather than just listing features. Viewers want to know how your product or service will make their lives better. Instead of simply describing what your product does, explain how it solves their problems or improves their situation.

Let’s continue with our dog harness example. Rather than just mentioning that it has adjustable straps, highlight how these straps ensure a perfect fit, providing maximum comfort and control.

Show how this benefit leads to happier, stress-free walks for both the dog and the owner. 

For instance, include a scene where a frustrated owner, once struggling with a pulling dog, is now enjoying a calm and pleasant walk thanks to the harness. 

dropshipping video ad: features vs benefits

Effective and relatable storytelling like this keeps your viewers engaged and more likely to buy your product.

Keep It Genuine

The average American watches between 4,000 to 10,000 ads each day.

With so much noise, people quickly tune out ads that look and feel like ads. They especially dislike ads that try to force them into buying something.

To stand out, be genuine. Your goal is to sustain sales in the long run and honest advertising can do just that.

By being honest and transparent, you’ll stand out and build trust. Viewers will stay engaged and be more likely to take the action you want.

Use Interactive Content

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn" – Benjamin Franklin.

Engaging your audience requires more than just presenting information; you need to involve them.

You can involve your audience with the help of quizzes, polls, shoppable videos, Q&As, or interactive demos.

For example, we can include interactive elements like polls about common dog walking challenges or quizzes on pet care tips. This keeps viewers engaged and encourages active participation.

youtube interactive survey

You can also add a CTA at the end with shoppable videos that let viewers directly purchase the featured product or learn more about it. This not only makes the ad more interactive but also drives action.

Bonus Tip: Include Videos In Your Marketing Emails

55% of email marketers using video ads see higher click-through rates.

By adding engaging dropshipping videos to your emails, you can capture your audience’s attention and provide a more dynamic and compelling message. 

Videos can showcase your products in action, demonstrate their benefits, and make your emails more memorable.


Engaging dropshipping video ads are super important for capturing and holding customer attention. 

Start by understanding your audience, plan a solid script, use compelling hooks, focus on benefits, keep it genuine, and incorporate interactive content. 

By adding these elements, you can create video ads that stand out and drive more sales.

Above all, do start creating product video ads instead of being stuck in the planning phase. The more you create, the better. So, you can also see how they’re performing and A/B test them.