71.2% of TikTok users made purchases after watching something on their feed.

And more than half of the users said they used TikTok for shopping ideas.

statistics for how TikTok conversion rate
Source: Statista

Those are big numbers.

With these in mind, it’s no surprise how large the market for TikTok ads is in the US.

However, it can be difficult for a small to medium dropshipping business to spend much on paid TikTok ads.

For instance, you need a minimum budget of $500 to advertise via TikTok Ads Manager. 

To avoid this, you can create organic dropshipping video ads that appear on the user’s “For you” page. 

Actually, we argue that organic ads are better than paid ads in the long run. 

What Is TikTok Organic Dropshipping

what is tiktok organic dropshipping?

TikTok’s organic dropshipping marketing strategy involves promoting products without investing in paid ads.

These ads are the normal TikTok videos any user can upload with a free account.

These are often highly relatable, human, and unpolished video ads that advertise the product from the user’s point of view. 

User Generated Content (UGC) ads are also great for this purpose. They cover all the key points needed for TikTok's organic dropshipping marketing. 

Overall, these ads have a higher chance of ending up on the customer's feed and actually encouraging them to buy the product.

Why TikTok’s Organic Dropshipping Ads Work

Don't Make Ads. Make TikToks.

Recommends TikTok.

Organic ads work for one simple reason: People are fed up with ads that look like ads. 

Indeed, 42.7% of people worldwide use ad blockers just to skip sponsored ads.

47% of consumers worldwise use ad blockers

TikTok users appreciate authenticity and content that feels relatable. Ads that feel overly polished or staged can seem out of place and prompt users to skip them.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you watched a paid ad and bought something?

Organic dropshipping ads on TikTok are:

  • Highly authentic
  • Focuses on the customer’s pain points instead of the product.
  • UGC content which includes reviews, unboxings, or everyday use of a product.
  • Short and quick.
  • Creates emotional connection with the customer.

In short, organic TikTok ads are more likely to go viral and convert well.

Challenges With TikTok’s Organic Dropshipping Ads

cons of tiktok organic dropshipping

There’s just one major challenge with organic dropshipping ads: time.

Creating high-quality, authentic content takes a lot of time. You need to brainstorm ideas, shoot, and edit videos. 

Another big challenge is resources. 

Even though you’re not spending money on ads, you need a lot of effort and possibly a dedicated team to handle content creation, trend analysis, and engagement. 

Producing high-quality content, partnering with influencers, and managing social media can add up costs and effort.

So, how can you create quick organic ads without spending much as a solo entrepreneur?

How To Create Organic Dropshipping Video Ads With No Budget

1. Conduct Research

You can start by researching successful TikTok ads and trends in your niche. 

To do this, search for the relevant keywords on TikTok and bookmark high-performing posts.

search for the relevant keywords on tiktok

Look at what works well by observing posts from the top UGC creators or regular content creators.

Take note of the types of content, styles, and formats that generate the most engagement. 

Next, you need to create a script that mirrors these successful elements but highlights your unique selling points. 

2. Create A Script

To successfully create a script, you need to understand your dropshipping product and the problem it solves.

Ask yourself these questions to understand your dropshipping product:

  • Who’s the target audience for this product?
  • Why would they want to buy this product?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • What benefits does it provide for the customer?
  • Which social media apps will the customer spend time on most?

Without the proper understanding of your dropshipping product, you’ll just end up creating ads that have no value of their own.

Once you have these answers, create a script that includes:

  • An emotionally charged hook that quickly addresses the problem your product solves.
  • A product benefits section focused on how the product features solve the customer pain points.
  • CTA at the end which encourages users to make a purchase.
3 components of a viral dropshipping video ad

For example, imagine you're creating a TikTok video ad for a noise-cancelling headphone:

Hook: A text saying, "Sick of constant distractions?" at the start.

Product Benefits: Shows a person wearing your headphones and looking relieved as the noise disappears.

CTA: Ends with a: "Get yours now and enjoy peace wherever you are!" and shows a discount code or the product cart button via shoppable videos.

3. Shoot Effective Content Yourself

Once you have the script ready, it’s time to shoot your ads.

If you don’t have permission to use videos from your official supplier, you can start filming them yourself or use the product images online.

We understand you might not have the relevant video production experience. To solve this, consider using these free tools to create engaging ads.

Video Templates

Platforms like Canva and Adobe Spark offer free video templates that provide a great starting point. 

These templates provide pre-designed layouts and styles, so you can produce visually appealing content without needing advanced video editing skills.

Smartphone Camera

Your smartphone’s camera is likely sufficient for TikTok videos. 

In fact, UGC content requires your camera quality to somewhat match regular phone cameras. Filming in high-definition cameras and ring lights might give your videos that “sponsored” look.

Ensure good lighting and a steady hand to improve video quality.

AI Video Makers

AI video makers are useful for doing all the above things directly from your desktop without going outside.

ai video makers save money, time, and, energy

These platforms help turn text and images into engaging videos with minimal effort.

You can just use the dropshipping product images you get online and feed it to these AI video makers. 

The AI video makers will can:

  • Create hooks from stock footage on the internet.
  • Use existing product images to create great product benefits.
  • Integrate clickable links and carts in your video ads.
  • Automatically generate subtitles.

Here are some features to look for before using AI Video Makers.

You can also use the AI Video Maker by Whatmore AI to create organic dropshipping ads that match the above criteria.

4. Shooting UGC Videos By Yourself

UGC content is 22% more impactful than brand videos.

ugc content is 22% more impactful than brand videos

That’s mainly because customers are more likely to trust content created by their peers than by brands.

Seeing others use and enjoy your product or service provides social proof.

social proof for dropshipping video ads

If you’re new to video production and on a tight budget, shooting UGC style videos can be a great solution.

This is also great because UGC content typically doesn’t require an expensive setup.

Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Explore TikTok to see what types of UGC videos are working in your product niche.

Step 2: Decide the type of UGC video you want to create. For example, reviews, opinion pieces, unboxing videos, tutorials, or hashtag challenges.

Step 3: Write a script that you can follow along. You can take references from the top UGC videos in your niche to create an engaging script.

Step 4: Then, select a popular trend, song, or challenge to participate in. Ensure the song fits your product.

Step 5: Start shooting the preferred UGC video by using your phone’s front camera. For unboxing videos, you can use entry-level tripods, stack your phone on books, or let someone record you.

For better lighting, you can shoot your ads during the day or outside.

Also, avoid the usual ad practices to stand out. For example, you need to skip the over-the-top hype and stick to genuine reactions.

5. Engage With Your Audience

Once you upload these videos on your free TikTok account, you need to actively engage with your audience.  

Interacting with viewers not only builds a stronger connection but also helps boost your content’s visibility and impact.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Actively reply to comments on your videos.
  • Ask questions related to your product or content.
  • Use TikTok’s features to create polls or challenges related to your product.
  • Repost or react to UGC content that mentions your product.

The likelihood of customers buying from your dropshipping store will increase if you have an optimized account.

By this, we don’t necessarily mean having a verified badge. It’s mostly about having a good profile picture, product-related links in the bio, and relevant pinned posts.


Creating effective organic dropshipping ads for TikTok doesn’t have to break the bank. 

Focus on:

  • Making genuine, relatable content that fits TikTok’s vibe. 
  • Research trends. 
  • Create a simple script.
  • Use your phone to film realistic UGC type videos. 
  • Finally, engage with your audience by responding to comments and asking for feedback.

If you want to make your organic dropshipping videos even better and add trending audio easily, try Whatmore AI

It’s a simple tool that can help you make organic content that stands out.